Star Spoofs

Welcome to Starspoofs!
The wiki about Star Wars/Star Trek Spoofs and Parodies that anyone can edit.

87 articles since April 2008


Featured article

The Emperor's New Clones, Obi Wan gets captured by Emperor Palpatine and taken to the new DEATH STAR. Meanwhile, Anakin Skywalker, takes Luke and Leia to Yoda to be trained as Jedi. On the Death Star... Palpatine inspects the Clone Troopers, who do not look alike or have matching boots.


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What's new on Star Spoofs

25 April, 2008
Star Spoof is off and running! Please feel free to start adding information on your favorite book, movie, fan film, commercial, or other parody of the Star Wars and Star Trek universes!
01 May, 2008
Star Spoofs now has a logo! Star Spoofs would like to take this moment to say thanks to JoePlay for the logos.

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Star Wars spoofs
Star Trek spoofs

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